Шайдаков Евгений  Владимирович - доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры ХУВ-1 ВМА
Амбулаторное лечение всех форм заболеваний вен по уникальным эндоваскулярным минимально инвазивным бесшовным технологиям
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 Санкт-Петербургская Ассоциация Флебологов (Saint-Petersburg Society of Phlebology, SPSP)  17 Санкт-Петербургский Венозный Форум (Рождественские встречи)

10th Saint-Petersburg Venous Forum: INVITATION and PROGRAM

04 ноября 2017, 21:55:00

November 30 and December 1, 2017, in the Northern capital of Russia, in the conference hall of the hotel Holiday Inn, leading experts will gather for one of the most prestigious phlebology congresses in order to discuss various aspects of physiology and pathology of the venous system, modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of the vein diseases. The staging of the forum is indicative of a large long-term operation and dynamic development of the Russian phlebology.

Over the last years, the Saint-Petersburg Venous Forum has become the most popular phlebology meeting in Russia and post-Soviet space. Every year about 400-500 people from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries participate.

Being a member of the International Union of Phlebology we are gaining even more popularity. In this respect, we are well-aware of our huge responsibility.

It is my honor and pleasure to invite you to the 10th Saint-Petersburg Venous Forum.

The Forum will be devoted to the actual problems on the diagnostics and treatment of venous diseases. The informal name of this event is the Saint-Petersburg Christmas Meeting, as we spend it not only at the conference hall. It is a great time for creative dialogues and friendly talks.

The previous St. Petersburg Venous Forum (Christmas meetings) in 2016 was attended by more than 560 delegates. It is also a nice opportunity to explore the cultural heritage and traditions of the northern capital of Russia.

We invite you to participate in the St. Petersburg Venous Forum. Take two days and immerse yourself into the world of phlebological discussians!